2. Install

2.1. Requirements

  • Django (>= 1.2, even works with 1.1 with some customizations in your project)
  • jQuery (>=1.5.0)

2.2. In your base.html


{% load inplace_edit %}

and wherever you load your static files, add either

{% inplace_toolbar %}


{% inplace_static %}

2.3. In your settings.py




And uncomment the request context processor:



INPLACEEDIT_EDIT_EMPTY_VALUE = 'Double click to edit'
INPLACEEDIT_DISABLE_CLICK = True  # For inplace edit text into a link tag
INPLACEEDIT_EDIT_MESSAGE_TRANSLATION = 'Write a translation' # transmeta option
INPLACEEDIT_SUCCESS_TEXT = 'Successfully saved'
INPLACEEDIT_UNSAVED_TEXT = 'You have unsaved changes'
DEFAULT_INPLACE_EDIT_OPTIONS = {} # dictionnary of the optionals parameters that the templatetag can receive to change its behavior (see the Advanced usage section)
DEFAULT_INPLACE_EDIT_OPTIONS_ONE_BY_ONE = True # modify the behavior of the DEFAULT_INPLACE_EDIT_OPTIONS usage, if True then it use the default values not specified in your template, if False it uses these options only when the dictionnary is empty (when you do put any options in your template)
ADAPTOR_INPLACEEDIT_EDIT = 'app_name.perms.MyAdaptorEditInline' # Explain in Permission Adaptor API
ADAPTOR_INPLACEEDIT = {'myadaptor': 'app_name.fields.MyAdaptor'} # Explain in Adaptor API

2.4. In your urls.py

urlpatterns = patterns('',


    (r'^inplaceeditform/', include('inplaceeditform.urls')),


If you use the date adaptor or datetime adaptor also:

js_info_dict = {
    'packages': ('django.conf',),

urlpatterns = patterns('',


    (r'^inplaceeditform/', include('inplaceeditform.urls')),
    (r'^jsi18n$', 'django.views.i18n.javascript_catalog', js_info_dict),

Project Versions

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