5. Customizing django-inplaceedit

django-inplaceedit is generic, customizable and extensible.

5.1. Permission Adaptor API

By default you can inline edit a field if you are authenticated with a superuser. But it’s customizable:

5.1.1. Overwriting the default permission adaptor

This package have two inplementations:

ADAPTOR_INPLACEEDIT_EDIT = 'inplace_edit.perms.AdminDjangoPermEditInline'

You can create a specify adaptor. MyAdaptorEditInline is a class with a single class method, this method receives a adaptor field

# in your settings

ADAPTOR_INPLACEEDIT_EDIT = 'app_name.perms.MyAdaptorEditInline'

# in app_name.perms

class MyAdaptorEditInline(object):

    def can_edit(cls, adaptor_field):
       return True # All user can edit

5.1.2. Example

class MyAdaptorEditInline(object):

    def can_edit(cls, adaptor_field):
        user = adaptor_field.request.user
        obj = adaptor_field.obj
        can_edit = False
        if user.is_anonymous():
        elif user.is_superuser:
            can_edit = True
           can_edit = has_permission(obj, user, 'edit')
        return can_edit

5.2. Creating an adaptor

You can create an adaptor to work with django-inplaceedit, the behavior is fully customizable. To default inplaceedit has 17 adaptors (AdaptorTextField, AdaptorTextAreaField, AdaptorChoicesField, AdaptorBooleanField, AdaptorDateTimeField, AdaptorForeingKeyField, AdaptorManyToManyField, AdaptorImageField etc). These use the api, overwriting some methods for them.

You can see four examples in django-inplaceedit-extra-fields project

5.2.1. First step

In your settings:

ADAPTOR_INPLACEEDIT = {'myadaptor': 'app_name.fields.MyAdaptor'}

In app_name.fields.MyAdaptor:

class MyAdaptor(BaseAdaptorField):

    def name(self):
        return 'myadaptor'

You can overwrite a default adaptor. To overwrite a adaptor add in your settings something like this:

ADAPTOR_INPLACEEDIT = {'text': 'app_name.fields.MyAdaptorText'}

For this case you overwrite the AdaptorText with MyAdaptorText.

5.2.2. Python API

  • loads_to_post: It returns the value of the request (normally request.POST)
  • classes: Classes of tag cover. By default “inplaceedit” and “myadaptorinplaceedit”
  • get_config: Preprocessed of the configuration. By default, it does nothing.
  • get_form_class: It returns the form class.
  • get_form: It returns a instace of form class.
  • get_field: It returns a field of instance of form class.
  • render_value: It returns the render of the value. If you write {% inplace_edit “obj.name|filter1” %} it returns something like this {{ obj.name|filter1 }}.
  • render_value_edit: It returns the render value if you can edit. It returns by default the same of “render_value”, but if the value is None call to empty_value
  • empty_value: It returns an empty value for this adaptor. By default, ‘Dobleclick to edit’.
  • render_field: It returns the render of form, with a field.
  • render_media_field: It returns the media (scripts and css) of the field.
  • render_config: It returns the render of config.
  • can_edit: It returns a boolean that indicate if this user can edit inline this content or not.
  • get_value_editor: It returns a clean value to be saved in DB.
  • save: Save the value in DB.
  • get_auto_height: Returned if the field rendered with auto height
  • get_auto_width: Returned if the field rendered with auto width
  • treatment_height: Special treatment to widget’s height.
  • treatment_width: Special treatment to widget’s width.
If you want to use own options in your adaptor, you can do it. These options will be in self.config in the adaptor.
{% inplace_edit "obj.field_name" my_opt1="value1", my_opt2="value2" %}

5.2.3. JavaScript API

You can change the javascript behaviour by adding or overriding methods from the original implementation by adding the special file jquery.inplaceeditform.hooks.js to your project. $.inplaceeditform.extend takes an object with the new or replacement methods.

        inplaceApplySuccessShowMessage: function(inplace_span) {
            var self = $.inplaceeditform;
            if (self.opts.successText) {
                var modal = $('#inplaceedit-modal');
                var body = modal.find('div.modal-body p');

                setTimeout(function () {
                    modal.fadeOut(function () {
                }, 2000);

Additionally there are four hooks,

  • getValue: if the value is componing for various widgets, you can set the function getValue, to these DOM elements. Something like this:

    <script type="text/javascript">
            $(document).ready(function () {
                function myGetValue(form, field_id) {
                    return ""Something"";
                $(".applyMyAdaptor").data("getValue", myGetValue);
  • applyFinish: if you need/want to do some action after the value be saved. Something like this:

    <script type="text/javascript">
            $(document).ready(function () {
                function myApplyFinish() {
                    return ""Something"";
                $(".applyMyAdaptor").data("applyFinish", myApplyFinish);
  • cancelFinish: if you need/want to do some action after the cancel the edit. Something like this:

    <script type="text/javascript">
            $(document).ready(function () {
                function myCancelFinish() {
                    return ""Something"";
                $(".cancelMyAdaptor").data("cancelFinish", myCancelFinish);
  • extraConfig: if you need/want add something to the config in the ajax request to print the field

    <script type="text/javascript">
            $(document).ready(function () {
                function myExtraConfig(data) {
                    return data + ""Something"";
                $(".configMyAdaptor").data("extraConfig", myExtraConfig);

For example the adaptor datetime use these hooks.